Don't ever trust Scandinavians to make a beach fire. They just don't have a clue!!

Saturday Ricardo (Sylvia's friend from Brazil), Sylvia and I took a trip around the island. First stop Turtle Bay Resort for a sneaky swim!

We met up with Craig and some other surfers from the backpackers, and had a chilled dusk longboarding session in Waikiki, with lots of switchfoots by me!

Sunday we headed out west to go watch POLO! The club's field is right on the beach, where the kiters are! I was in heaven! The sky-divers did a bit of a show, and then the gliders all glided by, low over the field in between chukkas.

Our roomies!!

Monday (my last day) I took a bike and went to check out Pipeline and Sunset beaches, cos the swell had picked up but the wind was pumping.

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