I've just realised something. Since I became old, my Derman luck seems to have run out. I booked tickets to Sydney from Monday to Thursday because a) I had my birthday bowls on the Sunday, b) I wanted to watch the final 2 days of the cricket test (Aus vs Rest of the World), c) Luke's farewell was on Thurs and d) I had a "blind date" organised for Friday. a) it poured down so much they cancelled bowls first thing in the morning, b) the cricket ended 2 days early, c) Luke decided to fly to Canada 2 weeks later and d) the date was postponed for 2 weeks.

Sooooo I packed my tourist gear and headed to Sydney anyway. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the zoo,

wandering around the city and Darling Harbour, eating about 3 kg of mussels and catching up with vannies (Bec and Dicko) and London work mates (Paul and his girlfriend Linda),

exploring Manly (and the zoo) with Al (the guy I met at the U2 concert),

shopping on Oxford Street in Paddington (sounds like I'm in London!).
Chinese Gardens...

Dinner with Cameron, Shazza and Watto.

On Thursday Cameron, Watto and I played golf and just missed the

downpour (maybe I have a tiny bit of luck left!) and although I didn't manage to get anywhere close to challenging Cameron, I did beat Watto by a few!!